Back to School:

So, by now just about everybody is back to school...I have a challenge for all the parents.

Have you taken the time to let your students know your expectations for them this school year? Do they know because you told them or do you think they know because they just "should know"?

Parents, do you know what your expectations are for your child this school year?

My challenge for you is this, figure out what your expectations are for your child...(be realistic)
then, create a special time where you can share with your child/children what your expectations are for them this school year.

I think this will lay the ground work for great conversations, success, encouragement and dialogue later on in the school year, if everyone starts out on the same page!

Here is a video from our jhigh summer kick off!

Back to School Thoughts:

I am excited about Sr. High "canvas" this week. We will be talking about "back to school" issues. It has been a fun week hearing from different people about there high school journey, and what they would say to the high school students if they got a chance...

I think it is going to be a great night...don't miss it!

Isabella's Birthday:

I can't believe my little girl is two years old today! Where has the time gone? I always heard my grandparents say that time really flies the older you get...but I never really understood what they meant.

Now that I have two daughters I am starting to understand...It seams like yesterday I was standing in a hospital room anxiously awaiting Isabellas' arrival...not knowing what to expect and unable to comprehend how my life was going to change forever.

She is non-stop motion/energy/talking/questions/adventures/will (she get her will from her mom)

She is the cutest red head I know, she stole my heart the moment we met! Every time I blink she changes...time is really flying by!

I want to soak up every moment...every tear...every giggle...every question...every book to read...ball to roll...every dance...every swing and every slide...

Life goes by way to fast and is filled with to many meaningless things to occupy our time!

Isabella Alyse McSwain...I love you so much and I hope you enjoy today and all of year number two...I'm going to cherish every moment!

Love Daddy! xoxo

Back to School Thoughts:

School starts back this week in Simi Valley. I was wondering who was excited about going back and who was dreading going back to school.

For me, it was both...I did not enjoy school but I was ready for it to start again every summer because of my friends, activities and routine it brought back into my life.

How about you?

Question of the Day:

What has helped you grow closer to God:
Study, ritual, prayer...or something else? We want to see your answers!

Stories from your summer:

We would love to hear about your summer! Did you go on any trips? Did you leave California? Did you leave the country? Big or small we would love to hear about your summer adventures!