Speaks for itself:

Jr. High Believe:

I am SO excited! This Friday 74 of us will be piling into vans and heading down to Anaheim for a conference called Jr. High Believe. The first year my wife, Kristin, and I took students there was 12 of us...3 leaders and 9 students...we have come a long way. We have an awesome group of leaders that really love and care for the student, and each other. We also have some of the coolest Jr. High Students ever. This weekend is going to be life changing for all of us, I can't wait.

Love Sick:

We will be kicking off the month of February with a relationship series called Love sick! Make sure your students make it to "Vision" on Sunday morning or "Canvas" on Wednesday night from 7:00- 8:30pm. Here is a description of what we will be talking about in February!
There’s something pretty amazing about being in love, isn’t there? The butterflies in your stomach. The dreamy gazes. No wonder so many of us are so in love with being in love. But if you look around—in the media, at school, in life—we’ve taken what God created and twisted it, morphed it and configured it into something it was never meant to be—an obsession. When romantic relationships become an obsession, balance goes out the window. We miss out on opportunities and experiences we might otherwise have had. And sometimes we even forget who we are. There’s got to be healthier way to do this. There’s got to be another way than being so lovesick.