Pause: Week (2) Search

Week Two: Search
The Bible says that God is omnipresent, meaning He is everywhere at all times. Sometimes we are in such a rush, we don’t even notice Him. But what if life became a big search? What if, as you went through every day, you paused and looked for God to show up everywhere you went? And what if you realized that no matter where you go or what you do, He is there? It might completely change the way you look at life—even the most mundane, ordinary parts of your day. So today, pause . . . and then search.

Bottom Line: We need to pause in order to experience God.
Scripture References: Exodus 3:1-5

Do you ever wonder...where is God, or wonder, why do some people "hear" or "see" God and why others don't.

Pause: Session (1) Silence Experience

Pause: Silence Exercise

Session 1

We spent the session today talking about the need to slow down and pause. There were probably some of you who were totally distracted during the whole talk. You were thinking about what you have to do when you get home, or what you have coming up at school this week, or any number of things. Even though we spent our time emphasizing the need to stop and breathe, I bet there were some of you who couldn’t sit still long enough to really process what we were saying.

So instead of heading right into small group this week, we are going to try something different. We are going to lead you through a time of slowing down and pausing. We are going to do an exercise in quieting ourselves—not just quieting the external noise around us, but also quieting the noise in our heads. Psalm 46:10 simply says: “Be still, and know that I am God” (NIV).

First, I want to start by eliminating all the sounds around you: no talking, no whispering, no texting, nothing. Silence yourselves on the outside, and as you do, try to focus on silencing your mind and your soul.

Whatever you may have in your hands, put it down—a phone, your hair, even your Bible. Put it down so your hands are completely free. Now close your eyes. And as you close them, I want you to intentionally and mentally ignore the images, words and noises around you. Forget about the project at school. Forget about your latest crush. Forget about the disagreement with your parents. Forget about the upcoming game. Forget about the drama with your friend. Forget about your hurt feelings, your frustration, your anger, your loneliness, and work on completely silencing your mind. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you take every thought captive.

Pause for more silence

Now, with your hands totally empty, place them in your lap, with your fingers curled inward and hands closed. Keep them like this and work on being totally still. Notice what it is like to be fully present just where you are—not worried about what is coming up, or what is next, but to be still in the presence of God—with hands closed.

Pause for more silence

As you are ready, slowly begin to open your hands while keeping your eyes closed. Now, take the time to notice what it is like to have open hands in the presence of God.

Pause for more silence

Just stay present in this moment. Rest here. Pay attention to your breathing. Notice how it feels when you breathe in and when you breathe out. Every time you breathe in, realize that it is God who gave you that breath. Every time you exhale, allow yourself to release and let go of the distractions, the anxiety and the apathy in or around you. Breathe slowly and regularly as you become more and more aware of how God is present, even in your breath. Work on relaxing your entire body—from the top of your head down to your arms and legs. As you relax, continue to focus on breathing slowly.

Pause for more silence

Close in prayer. If time allows, transition into small groups so that students can process this experience and talk about the challenges of pausing.

Pause: Week (1) Breathe

What’s on your “to do” list today? A big test? Practice after school? Work? What about breathing? Have you scheduled time to just stop and breathe? “Uh, sure,” you’re thinking, “I am going to breathe today. What kind of question is that?” But what if you took time today to pause and really enjoy the moments you are in? Instead of thinking about whatever is next, you decide to really “be” where you are and soak up every second. What if you decide to pause . . . and then breathe?

Bottom Line: We need to pause in order to be present.

Scripture References: Exodus 24:12; Matthew 6:25-27

Question: How often are you someplace physically, but not there mentally?

New Series: Pause

New Series: Pause

Ever feel like life is moving, or rather, rushing forward at an unsustainable pace? It seems like more often then not, that is just the way things are. But in effort to keep up with everything and everyone around us, it may be that we are missing out on experiencing God's presence. What would it take for you to pause? To stop? To just "be," long enough to take note of the living God in the midst of our spinning world?

Part 2 of our New Year challenge: 2010 Love wins

One of the things that I am most excited about in 2010 is what we are unleashing this week! I said unleashing on purpose because I believe it has the potential to infect our church, homes, schools, community, country and world.

Our goal is to get 100% of our students to serve once...
Once a day at home...
Once a week at church...
Once a month in our community...and
Once a year in the world...

We are going to attack "consumerism" head on and challenge this generation to be "participants" in God's story and partner with him, to share His goodness, His glory, His fame, at home, at church in our city and the world.

Please join us as we challenge our/your students with this...pray, encourage, drive...what ever you need to do to help them!

Part 1 of our New Year Challenge: 2010 "New thru 30"

We are kicking off 2010 with a challenge! We are challenging all of the students, leaders and even parents to join us, and read through the New Testament in 30 days! I know, it sounds impossible, but let me assure you it is very possible! Especially, when we give you the tools to do it! If you can't make it to "vision" or "canvas" you can print them off from Discovery's website at or you can go to and look up reading plans...and find the "New Thru 30" reading plan!