Not That Into You: Week 2

Session Two: Fight for Me

Bottom Line: God never leaves, but sometimes I have to fight my own feelings and actions to stay in relationship with Him.

When you’re not that into a relationship, you have a choice—to stay or to go. God has made it very clear in the Bible that He’s not going anywhere. He’s in. But we’re the ones who struggle with the choice, and that struggle sometimes involves fighting our own feelings and perceptions. It’s a fight that we have to be willing to take on, and a decision each of us has to make. And though it may feel like it, it’s not one-sided, God isn’t going anywhere. So are you going to fight your own tendencies to pull away? Are you going to fight for your relationship with God?

Scripture References: 1 Timothy 1:18-19; Isaiah 49:15-16; 1 Timothy 6:12; 2 Timothy 4:7; Hebrews 13:5

Take some time this week to read Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. Read the verse keeping in mind where you are in your relationship with God. Understanding that there is a season for everything, what kind of season does it feel like you are in with your relationship with God? What kind of seasons have you been in before, and what kind of season are you hoping to arrive to?