Where's Waldo?

I read this article this morning, it was to good not to share with you. This is a great follow up to our Doubt series we just finished!

Posted by Jud Wilhite:

Remember “Where’s Waldo?” He is a funny looking character with his hat and striped shirt.

Martin Handford is an illustrator who created Waldo, as John Ortberg writes in “God is Closer Than You Think.” He wanted to draw scenes of crowds and as an afterthought the Waldo idea grew where kids had to find Waldo in the crowd. Over 40 million Waldo books have been sold in 28 countries. Waldo is right there on every page, but sometimes you have to look for him, and sometimes you look right at him and don’t realize it.

There are times when we suffer and feel like we are playing a spiritual “Where’s Waldo” game. We keep looking for God, but don’t see Him. We wonder: “Why is it when I pray I don’t always sense God is answering?” “Why do I not always feel his presence in my life? Am I doing something wrong?” “Why is this happening to me?”

Sometimes we look and look and we can’t seem to find God in our trials and we don’t understand. But as you turn to the Bible you see that God is there, on every page of our lives as well. He is there, even in the pain and the hurt and the difficulty. When we can’t make sense of it, when we are looking for God like Waldo and we can’t see him, James says to ask for wisdom.

James 1:5 (NIV): If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.