Reflections on "Revolve" (teen girls conference) #1

This weekend I had the pleasure of attending The Revolve Tour with 25 of DC’s JHi and HS girls, moms and leaders. The Revolve Tour is a dynamic conference filled with speakers, drama and music just for junior high and high school girls. This year’s theme “4 Real” allowed us to focus on who God is for real and the real us, as He sees us, as He created us.

In our world image is everything. The faces on magazine covers, on TV and in movies have been stretched, tweaked, touched up, re-colored, you name it, just to make them “perfect”. Even the people whose images we see in the media can’t live up to the standards they themselves set.

God made each of us uniquely beautiful, in His image. Who are we to mess with that? This weekend at Revolve we had the chance to see that God loves us just the way we are, after all, He’s the one that gave us our hair, our noses, our hips, or even made us a little “fluffy” as Yvette Nicole Brown put it. If God loves us just as we are, there is no reason we cannot love ourselves just as we are. The way I see it, that’s just another way we can honor Him.

I know this conference deeply impacted each and every one of us in a unique and personal way. I also know that many bonds were formed or strengthened over discussion, charades, chocolate covered pretzels and in a cold arena huddled under blankets.

My hope is that the lessons and the bonds that we took away from Revolve deepen and thrive.

When we look in the mirror I hope we will all see what God has fearfully and wonderfully made, unique and beautiful.

Cassie Fowble

This is the first in a series of posts about the Revolve tour this year.