What are you communicating?

"It’s been said that Christianity is fundamentally a communication event. Throughout time God has used different people, objects and situations to communicate His simple message to mankind: “I love you.”

I think too often we’ve lost the message in translation. If you’d ask people on the streets what the church’s message is, their response, unfortunately, would be far from describing the love that’s captured our hearts. So here’s my question to you: “if you’re not communicating love, what are you communicating?”
Tim Schraeder

In January, we, (Discovery Student Ministries) kicked off a program called "Love Wins" this was something that had been brewing in me for years, trying to put words to ideas...how to sum up the "Story" God is telling in my/our life we challenged our students/leaders to serve once a day/week/year on their homes, church and community...I loved this idea and this challenge to our student ministry family and have seen and believe we will see this program change lives in our church! BUT...

More and more every day I am beginning to see that this simple phrase "Love Wins" is so much more than a program about serving...its a world view. It is a decision you make everyday about everything...family, school, work, friends, enemies, neighbors...it is a commitment to continue to live out personally the story that God has been telling all along. Love wins... As we draw closer to Easter this becomes even more apparent, we begin to draw closer to the cross, the climax of all of eternity...the place where God says once and for all...I LOVE YOU...even if you don't love me...even if you don't deserve it...even if you don't know me yet...I LOVE YOU...

God has been communicating/showing us how much He loves us from the very beginning...Its time we start showing/sharing that love...with everyone because..."Love Wins"