Shift Session Two: The Last Supper

How do you celebrate Easter? Do you get a new outfit? Do you wake up on Easter morning to a basket full of marshmallow chicks and chocolate bunnies? (Don’t laugh–you know you still want the basket of goodies.) There are certain events in our lives that happen every year, things that come along without fail, like clockwork—holidays, family gatherings, special ceremonies. And after a while, we just go through the motions when they come along. We do what we normally do, and don’t think about the significance of the event or the original intent of the celebration. In the back of our minds, we know it’s important, but we don’t feel connected to it. In what is referred to as “The Last Supper,” Jesus celebrated the Passover tradition with His disciples. But in the course of the evening, a huge shift happened. What was once a ritual, with some historical meaning, began to become more personal. It was no longer about an event, it was about the relationship between God and us.