release: Week 2

Session Two: Letting Go
Chances are when we began talking about forgiveness, someone very specific came to mind—someone who did something to hurt you and who you haven’t quite figured out how to pardon. Who is that person that wounded you or disappointed you? When you think of your hurt do you see only the person who offended you? If you’re like most, it’s hard to separate the wrong done to you from the person who hurt you. But what if you began to see him or her as a human being? What if you learned how to name the origin of the hurt? It may help you move forward. It may even begin to help you release the pain.

Bottom Line: Letting go involves identifying the offense and trusting God to fix what was broken.

Scripture References: 1 Peter 4:8; Proverbs 10:12; Colossians 3:13; Genesis 1:27; 1 Peter 5:7