Part 2 of our New Year challenge: 2010 Love wins

One of the things that I am most excited about in 2010 is what we are unleashing this week! I said unleashing on purpose because I believe it has the potential to infect our church, homes, schools, community, country and world.

Our goal is to get 100% of our students to serve once...
Once a day at home...
Once a week at church...
Once a month in our community...and
Once a year in the world...

We are going to attack "consumerism" head on and challenge this generation to be "participants" in God's story and partner with him, to share His goodness, His glory, His fame, at home, at church in our city and the world.

Please join us as we challenge our/your students with this...pray, encourage, drive...what ever you need to do to help them!