It's Thanksgiving:

On Sunday we talked about being thankful in Jr. High. We read the story of the 10 lepers from the book of Luke and talked about how/why the one leper came back and thanked Jesus...

Ultimately, the conversation ended with this thought...All of them were probably very thankful, but only one showed it with his actions!

I asked the students how have you shown the people in your life that you are thankful...?

How have you shown God that you are thankful...?

I gave the student a chance to make a simple meal for someone in need, and many of them did...Jordan one of the students shared what she and her family did with the sack meal she made and I wanted to share her story with you! May it encourage and convict you at how much a simple act of love can make a huge difference.

Hey pastor Dan.....I already gave out my sack lunch to a homeless man. He was very happy and thankful. As soon as we drove away we saw him inhaling the sandwich. I feel really good that there is one less hungry person in the world today. My family and I are going to figure out ways we can show people that God loves them too.

Way to go Jordan!


Kristin said...

Jordan, you are such a great example for your peers! Love this story!