Thin Green Line: Week 2

We live in a culture that moves fast. We can get a burger and fries in less than three minutes, and we can download new music in a matter of seconds. Unfortunately, this fast pace usually means we don’t stop to think about the money that constantly comes and goes, passing through our hands feeding our desire for more. But did you know throughout Jesus ministry one of His most prevalent topics was money? That’s right. The way we use our resources is important to God. The next three weeks we are going to take a look at the way we give, spend and save our money, and how these habits reveal the thin green line between our hearts and our money.

Week two:Where you spend your time and money is a reflection of how you see God.

Have you ever walked into Target to buy toothpaste? You walk in the door focused on the one thing you need, and walk out with $40 of stuff you realized you “had to have” once you entered the magical land of marketing. This week we will be talking about how what we see affects our desire and ultimately our pocketbook.

Scripture References: Matthew 6:19-25; Genesis 3:6; 1 Corinthians 10:23